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A minimalist HTTP client made on top of Apache HttpComponets and Jackson JSON/XML Processor.

It's made to be simple and elegant by avoiding boilerplate code and a lot of configurations.

Get Started

Given the /meta github service wich a request to brings a JSON like this:

  "verifiable_password_authentication": true,
  "github_services_sha": "f39e3c6fa71f1c5c0e8497c28a5e7e1a4501035f",
  "hooks": [
  "git": [
  "importer": [

Add the follow dependency to your pom.xml:


Create a Meta class to represent the JSON:

package get.started;

import java.util.List;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;

public class Meta {

    private boolean verifiable;

    private List<String> hooks;

    public boolean isVerifiable() {
        return verifiable;

    public void setVerifiable(boolean verifiable) {
        this.verifiable = verifiable;

    public List<String> getHooks() {
        return hooks;

    public void setHooks(List<String> hooks) {
        this.hooks = hooks;

This code consumes the /meta service and writes the result into a Meta object:

package get.started;


import org.parisoft.resty.RESTy;

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        Meta meta = RESTy.request("")

        System.out.println("Verifiable = " + meta.isVerifiable());
        System.out.println("Hooks      = " + meta.getHooks());

Executing the code above will print the follow result:

Verifiable = true
Hooks      = []

That's it